Of Donations and Drawings

Today is a day of good news! Red Stalk now has a 'Donate' button near the bottom of the page, the first step towards closing off the cost of running this site. Whether or not people donate won't affect the creative output of this site, but it will help me get some physical merchandise on the Store for you to enjoy, mostly in the form of prints and posters.

Not only that, but I will match every donation of $5 or more with a personalized sketch like what you see here on the right and post it on the blog! There is a entry field within the Donation page where you can tell me what you want.

And on the topic of the Store: It is technically fully functional. Purchases can be made and processed through Stripe, so all that remains to be done is for me to actually put something on there and sell it. I've run some test prints, and I am quite pleased with the quality of the posters I made. Expect to see them pop up soon!

Sketch, Gel Pen, November 2014