Out on the Frontier there goes an old saying, 'Never trust silence'. Atop every hill could be bandits, under every rock a basilisk, in every cave hemorrhaging fungus, and in every wood a thunder lizard's den. Knowing where and when it is safe to tread the many biomes of the sub-continent is vital knowledge for any trader, sellsword, soldier, prospector, or peasant looking to make their way in the vast wilderness. Across these thousands of miles safe refuges are few and far between. In the east, the trade city of Cestus marks the culmination of millennia of Constonian attempts to wrest control of the continent. North, the mining hub of Steelhead churns away at the underbelly of the highlands, with a constant stream of caravans gambling on the dangerous land route to bring their precious goods back to Constonia. The near-impassible mountains ringing the continent makes most of the coastline unsuitable for settlement save for small fishing villages and Constonian garrisons.
As it goes, the further from Constonian influence one wanders, the more dangers lurk behind every bend and fork in the non-existent roads. Past the relatively docile grasslands (that are not entirely without their dangers), treacherous badlands and a vast, inhospitable desert form the majority of the inner continent. Lush tropical forests and swallowing bogs line the southern coast lines, while ancient fjords and jagged peninsulas hold against the rougher northern waters.
This is a land in constant flux. Rivulets of wild arcana shift and sculpt the Frontier as readily as the winds scatter dunes. The balance of power between the many factions vying for control is always shifting, new life is rising from the depths while the remains of those past decays and sinks below. Old tales from the Aetate Titanus speak of the giants that once roamed these lands, and the horrors the firstborn of humanity faced against merely to survive. And while life is still a brutal struggle for those living at the extremities of humanity, all agree that the Frontier has been quiet for a long while.