A column or pinnacle of weathered rock.
"A towering sandstone hoodoo."
7 Jan 2015, Digital
Welcome to my website, redstalk.net. You might be wondering about the name looming at the top, "Red Stalk," and that strange tagline beneath, "Here I stand alone at the beginning and the end." Do they mean anything, or are they just some nonsense I made up? And I will tell you right here, right now, that they are both nonsense I made up. Literally, fictionally, Red Stalk is what you see in the drawing and logo above: a giant sandstone pillar in the middle of the desert. As for the tagline, well, that would just be a spoiler if I explained it right at the start.
Anyways, this is first and foremost a personal site for me to post my stuff. I believe in most circles it is what you would call a 'blog', but I really hate that word. It sounds stupid. In any case, this site primarily functions as a blog, and thus it is a blog. Here I will publish my writings and drawings and thinkings and such for your amusement and my enjoyment, as well as share any interesting tidbits I come across.
If you're looking for something more specific, here's a rough list of things I've already done or am planning to do with this site: Creative writing (fantasy, sci-fi), articles and opinions, art and graphic design, music, podcasts, random thoughts, stray thoughts, fleeting thoughts, and... other thoughts.
Sooner or later I'll probably have some stuff on The Store. Be on the lookout for cool posters and stuff. That's all I got for now, I'll be updating regularly. Share the site, explore what little there currently is, and thanks for reading this far!